How to restore a company already been dissolved by deregistration?
Yip Tse & Tang Solicitors & Notaries | helping to Restore a Dissolved/Deregistered HK Company 恢復有限公司身份 解凍資產 重新營運

A shareholder, a director, a creditor or "an aggrieved party" may apply to restore a dissolved company

Some times, a creditor may find that a company which still owed him money had been deregistered or struck off and dissolved. According to the Companies Ordinance, a creditor or "an aggrieved party" may apply to the court for an order to restore the company. The court is known to be the High Court of the First Instance.

Since this may involve legal proceedings, a creditor or "an aggrieved party" desirous to make an application should better seek professional advice from lawyers.

Of course, a shareholder or a director may also do a similar application to restore a dissolved company.